PitchDeck Resources

Here you’ll find a few useful resources and items of inspiration to help you get started when you’re thinking about raising capital.

We work with ambitious founders in the early stages of capital raising to help them towards success. If you’re interested in working with us, start by booking a quick discovery call with one of our team members. Then we can find out a little bit about you and what you need to start generating funding.


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Looking for inspiration to help you get started? Here’s a collection of successful pitches to help get your creative juices flowing. Your business probably isn't at the same stage as these examples, and that’s okay. It still gives you an idea on best practice. And if you’d like to find out more about working with our team to get you investor-ready, please contact us to book a discovery call with one of our team members.

Front $10m, Series A, 2016

This is Front’s Series A deck. It’s a great example of a logical, well structured pitch deck. It works through an ideal pitch flow of traction - business model - projections.


Clear & logical structure, using headings to keep slides clear

Straight into the problem and how their solution tackles it

Simple slides each displaying one key message

Air BnB $600k, Seed, 2008

This is Air BnB’s seed pitch deck from 2008 and again demonstrates the golden pitch structure.


The rule of three. This is used constantly throughout the presentation, people tend to remember lists of three things and they visually draw in the eye.

Clearly telling their story using the problem - solution - traction formula

Sales Deck

While this is not a pitch deck, it’s a fantastic example of communication through slides. Zuora uses a narrative throughout the deck, creating a story that keeps viewers intrigued. Their use of “statement” slides with questions and key metrics, along with interesting background images, is highly effective. Zuora’s approach is a great example of how to keep messaging simple.

Useful tips

It Succinct

We tend to question any content that needs to be less than 20pt font to fit on a slide. Do you really need it?

Provide Quantitative Proof Points

As well as telling your story, you need to deliver proof points. Investors are quantitative by nature, give them plenty of evidence of execution, such as milestones, financial metrics and product market fit.

A Picture Is A Thousand Words

We use a lot of infographics and data visualisation in our pitches. Graphics are memorable and rapidly and clearly convey information to investors. Similarly, icons and simple graphics help tell your story and break up text.

looking for more useful tips?

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Don’t worry, we won’t spam you, but we might send you the occasional piece of advice to help with your capital raise.

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five common Pitfalls


Too Much Information

You want your investors listening to what you’re saying, not reading the slides. Clutter causes confusion. A good rule of thumb is three bullet points per slide.


Unreadable Graphs

Too busy, difficult to understand, the eye doesn’t know where to look


Text Too Small

Limit word count. Use 20pt font as a good starting point. If you can’t fit it, there’s too much text.


Typos & Errors

There is nothing more embarrassing than having mathematical errors, incorrect graphs or typos. Always get a fresh set of eyes to check over your presentation.


Technical Issues On The Day

Ensure your slides are the right size for the screen (16 x 9 is standard). Do a demo run. Download a PDF version and take a printed version with you - they're a good back up.

Prepare a winning pitch with our free quickstart template

An effective pitch is one designed with the investor firmly in mind. Learn how to structure a pitch deck in a way that makes it simple for investors to say yes. Our free QuickStart Guide and Pitch Template takes you through the process from start to finish.

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